Saturday, February 2, 2008

And the winner is...

This is Charles, I'm posting my answers for Molly. By the way, Leisy won the contest for picking the word of the week, so ten points to you! Our new word is ubiquitous.

What was Molly doing ten years ago?
Molly was in 7th grade. Which country was she in at age 12? I think she was actually in the US, in Springfield, Virginia. She started up a theater company with a couple friends, directing, producing, and performing plays by themselves. Molly usually played the lead roles. This time ten years ago she was Belle in Beauty and the Beast.

Five things on Molly's to-do list today:
1. Make Charles the happiest person in the world by waking up next to him and looking beautiful. Somehow Molly manages to look gorgeous every morning, but she doesn't agree. That's ok, because I'm right and she's wrong.
2. Decide what she is going to cook today, look up recipes online and write down the ingredients she'll need to pick up. Today she started out wanting to make chocolate souffle, but temporarily changed her mind to macaroons before settling upon mini brownie tarts.
3. Go to the grocery store and pick out ingredients for incredible food, then find somebody to feed it to. Turns out we couldn't get ahold of anybody to come over to share our food with us; maybe we should try planning ahead sometime.
4. Visit Petsmart to see if there are any new puppies today. Even though we can't have a puppy in our apartment that doesn't stop Molly from pining over the cute and ugly dogs alike, begging me to let her take them all home.
5. Celebrate Valentine's day. Even though technically Valentine's day isn't until the 14th, it's February; which means that every day is Valentine's day as long as the calender is on the February page, just as every day in March is St. Patrick's day, every day in April is her birthday, and every day from September 1 to January 31 is Christmas.

Things Molly would do if she were suddenly a a billionaire:
1. Hire somebody to be a personal shopper for her. She loves new clothes, but hates shopping. She's paralyzed at clothing stores. But Molly loves the things that her little sister Lizzy picks out, so she just wants somebody with good taste to go and find pretty clothes for her to wear.
2. Travel to Africa to give humanitarian aid.
3. Open "The Molly Campbell." Molly will be the head chef and we'll live in a little apartment above the restaurant. This restuarant obviously won't be in Provo, because nobody "gets it" here. And because we hate Provo and want to leave.
4. Spend every day on the beach, listening to Jack Johnson.
5. Travel the world one restaurant at a time. Molly wants to be a food tourist extraordinaire. Thailand, France, Mexico...pretty much everywhere except Japan.

Two of Molly's bad habits:
1. She never answers her cell phone unless it's me. If anybody else calls she ignores them. It drives me crazy. But I have to give her props for being able to do what she wants without caring about what other people think. If she doesn't feel like talking she doesn't--she's beholden to no one.
2. This girl has a craving problem. Heaven help us when she is pregnant, because as it is now if she gets a craving for something she won't drop it until she gets it. Her cravings can last weeks without going away unless the craving is satisfied. This can be a problem at those times when she wants something like lamb or goose and no grocery store in Utah Valley has any.

Five places she's lived: (somebody try naming five places she hasn't lived; that would be the challenge)
1. Fredericksburg, VA
2. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
3. Panama
4. Monterey, California
5. North Carolina
6. Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany

Five jobs Molly's had:
1. Working in a VA grocery store called Food lion
2. Secretary for BYU's Office of Information Technology. (this is where Molly was working when she met this one hot guy named Campbell!)
3. Customer service person at BYU Independent Study
4. Molly worked at Stafford County courthouse helping people that had to pay their water bills. Sometimes she had to explain to them why their water had been turned off. And people that don't have water in their house can't shower, so they kind of smell funny sometimes.
5. Editor for BYU Independent Study

Five things people don't know about her:
1. She can't swallow pills. It's a production to just get her to swallow an Excedrine for a headache. Usually she'd rather deal with intense pain than brave the pill-taking process.
2. She has incredible analytical abilities. Nobody gives Molly credit for how good of a problem solver and a planner she is.
3. On a date we went to see Batman Begins, and Molly was more into Christian Bale than me; and she still has a hard core crush on him.
4. Molly used to be a vegetarian. It started when she lived in Turkmenistan. However, after we started dating things started to change and now one of her most recurring cravings is a visit to Tucano's for loads of grilled meat. She loves it when I grill steaks for us too.
5. Molly is amazing at driving the Jeep. Before we were married she had never driven a manual car, but she's great now. She can drive the scooter too, even though it scares her to death.


Natalie said...

A few comments:
1) Weren't you living in Georgia when you were 12? Cause we went to girl's camp together that first year.
2) The cell phone THAT why I can never get a hold of you and always think that your phone is still broken? When in fact, you're ignoring me?!?
3) Sorry Charles, I knew quite a few of the 'unknown' facts about Mup.

Starla said...


I was NOT invited to dinner even though I wanted to be. So you can't say that NO ONE could come.

Josh, Janae, and Ainslie said...

We think it's a bonny idea, The Molly Campbell. We'd eat there everynight!

Mollie said...

You guys are dang cute. We miss you!

Kent and Leisy said...

I still can't drive a stick. I'm so glad that you guys chose ubiquitous! it made my day. thanks for the ten points too.