Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Newlywed Game, a year and a half later!

I've been tagged by my new blogging friend Leisy to fill this out. And using my womanly wiles I convinced Charles to play. But we're doing it a little differently. We're answering the questions for each other. Whoever gets closer gets ten points. Charles is way busier than I am today, so his will be posted later today, but I'm bored at work, so I'm posting mine now! Enjoy.

My answers for Charles:

What were you doing ten years ago?

I was in 9th grade, in my last year of hunior high. I wore the same fleece jacket everyday. I mean every stinking day. It looked like a lamb. It was my first year of seminary. I was in jazz band, which I loved, and I went to school at 5 or 6 in the morning for practice, and then stayed late after school to play in the pit for the school musical. I liked to make music videos with Meghan, and if I ever run for president, those videos will mysteriously disappear.

Five things on my to-do list today:

1. Get Molly out of bed and to school. That girl is SO not a morning person. And I go to school when she does even though I don't have class till 2:00.

2. Find a comfy chair and study my brains out for Sven's really, really ridiculously difficult Stata class.

3. Go to class.

4. Live through it. Easier said than done.

5. Think of something to celebrate, and then celebrate with my wife who I love more than anyone in the whole entire world, even more than NPR and Condaleeza Rice.

Things I would do if I were suddenly made a a billionaire:

1. Buy one of those laptops for impoverished children. The kind with the pull-string instead of electricity. I don't need one. I just really want one.

2. Buy a mac. I don't need one. I just really want one. Or two.

3. Invest in the commodities market. Probably in turkeys. Why not? Actually, I have much more financial sense than my wife even understands, so I'd probably invest in things she doesn't even know about. But I'm itching to invest, for sure.

4. Travel the world, one tropical place after another.

5. Finally open up TheMollyCampbell, our Irish pub/soup and pie place.

2 of my bad habits:

1. I take my half of the bed out of the middle, and give my wife the two edges. and I'd wear jeans to bed if my wife didn't mind. She says she feels uncomfortable for me, so I have to change.

2. I leave dishes in the sink. But so does Molly.

5 places I have lived:

1. West Valley, UT

2. Moscow, Russia

3. Minsk and Vitebsk, Belarus

4. Bishkek, Kyrgizstan

5. Provo.

5 Jobs I have had:

1. greenhouse, planting and delivering and goofing around.

2. river guide in Jackson Hole, WY.

3. intern and translater at WTO in Bishkek

4. Gap employee. Two months!

5. Warehouse delivery on campus. Truck driver! I loved it.

5 Things people don't know about me:

1. I have a butt.

2. I'm a closet foody. My mormon mom would faint if she knew how well I bake bread.

3. I'm such a good boy. and I'm quite the romantic. I woo my wife all the time.

4. I would be a brillian criminal master mind if I weren't such a good boy. I have about forty different schemes to bring about the demise of BYU, as soon as I get my degree. They range in schemeyness from stinky smoke bombs to flash mobs to all-out mind games. But you didn't hear it from me.

5. I have a reason for everything I do, from the way I put toothpaste on my toothbrush to the way I drive. If you ever ask me why I'm doing something, no matter how outlandish it is, I will be able to tell you why. I think a lot.


Starla said...

haha... so funny! Great idea.

Mollie said...

Yeah that was very entertaining to read!