Tuesday, August 12, 2008

wheels up party, anyone?

Well, tomorrow's our last day in Russia, and it's really too bad, because we just found THE COOLEST swing in a nearby playground. And we're going back in the morning to make a video of ourselves on it, because it is that cool.
Charles has this theory that the playgrounds in Russia are created with a purely Darwinian theme in mind. Survival of the fittest kid. The one who doesn't knock his own head off on a playground swing (like the aforementioned) is the one who survives to maturity and the rest... well, they had it coming.
There was this swing in Turkmenistan that was actually created for just this purpose. They would light a fire underneath it, and pile their kids on it, and if their kids fell into the fire, that kid wasn't meant to grow old.
you'll see what I'm talking about when we post the video. For now, I hope you're satisfied knowing that we lived through it tonight, and we're coming home tomorrow!


Cecily Jane said...

Burning children?


Molly said...

I suppose I should have mentioned that the swing was only used with a fire in ancient times. Now they just play on the swing like normal.

mightymuffin said...

ancient burning children?...Oh that's so much better...


You are so lucky to have gone to Russia! But probably grateful you didn't grow up there, considering the swing situations. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!