Tuesday, February 12, 2008

misshapen mishap.

So last night, Charles was walking down the stairs in one of those theatre-style classrooms in the Tanner, and he tripped and did a face-plant in front of his whole class. He heard his ankle pop three times on the way down, and when he got home, this is what his leg looked like!
Ok, just kidding. This is a picture he tried to take himself, so it's from above and it makes his foot look a foot wide! But this is what it really looked like yesterday.

Do you like the sad face I made him make? This is what it looks like today.

He won't let me take him to a doctor, because he doesn't think it's possible that it's broken. "Because I've never broken a bone before. My bones don't break." I told him that there's a first for everything, and he said "No there isn't." But he can't think of anything that doesn't ever have a first. He's supposed to get back to me on that.

Last night we had a funny conversation as we were falling asleep. I didn't realize how funny it was until I replayed it in my head this morning.

Charles: If you were laughing about something, what would it be?

Molly: Sheep.

Charles: Why?

Molly: Fluffy.

Charles: Remember Mary's little lamb with fleece as white as snow?

Molly: Yeah.

Charles: Why did you eat it?

Molly: I forgot it was white!

I love being married to this hilarious man! This hilariously misshapen man! He just got back to me. He says things that haven't happened yet haven't had a first. Which I think just proves my point in a roundabout way.

PS: this week we decided to go with a phrase instead of a word. The phrase of the week is "raises new and troubling questions."


Mollie said...

Oh man you make me laugh so much! I like the phrase of the week. Maybe I will try to work it into a science lesson.

And I love that cake cutting picture!

Natalie said...

Not to prove you wrong or anything, but I think I have a good point:
There will never be a first time that I smoke crack.
See? There ya go. Something that there isn't a first for.
And that ankle is looking like pain.
Thanks for free pancaking with us tonight!

Cecily Jane said...

No androgynous?

Starla said...

That is funny. And Natalie- there could be a first. What if someone tricks you into thinking it is a bubble gum cigarette and its not. It could happen.

I am a nurse. You should take care of that ankle Charles. Listen to your wife. I had a good laugh when I read about how it happened though.

There will never be a first time that I am a boy. I will always and forever be an XX chromosome.

I win.

Starla said...

P.S. That is a really ubiquitous looking ankle. Seriously.

Kent and Leisy said...

sorry about the fall Charles! I've been laughing just thinking about it though!