Saturday, February 16, 2008

the carnage II

Sounds like the title of a bad movie.

So, when we left off, Charles and I were at the Thai Kitchen. Charles had called and tried to make a reservation, but the lady was like, "Reservation? Nobody come here! You come after five, we give you food." The place is usually empty so we have it to ourselves, and we figured we'd be the only weirdos going for spicy and funky food on Valentine's Day, anway, so we just showed up at eight after all the tooth drama died down. And we walked into a crowd. There were no tables! and they don't have a waiting area, so we just stood around and stared at all the other weird couples who opted for Thai food on Valentine's Day, and willed them with our minds to hurry up and finish. The Thai Kitchen makes everything from scratch and they only have one cook, so it took a while for us to will someone hard enough to give us their table. But the food was so stinking good once we got some! I could eat their masman curry everyday for the rest of our lives! and the fried bananas are just to die for. I nearly did.

This is what I found when we came home! Charles gave me red tulips, my favorite flower in the whole wide world. Seeing tulips always makes me so happy! and I love having them in my house. I carry them around with me. They always come to whatever room in going into. He also gave me three different boxes of Whitman's samplers, which are so my favorite. I know it's so cheesy, but I've always had a thing for heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, especially the ones wrapped in red cellophane. Charles hates them, and thinks Valentine's Day is over commercialized, but it made him happy to see the look on my face. He also gave me a skirt that he knew I wanted from target. It has boats on it. I was very very giddy!

The next night we did some more romantic stuff, like chocolate-dipped strawberries and cuddling. They were so pretty I had to take lots of pictures of them. I wore my Ikea apron, too, so I could be extra Valentinesy. We have this chocolate strawberry thing down to a science. We make an assembly line, with one of us washing, one of us cutting the tops off, one of drying, and then someone dipping and placing them on the tin foil to cool. There are only two of us, but somehow we still do this very efficiently. And they're delicious.

We celebrate almost everything with food. Good grades, raises, and even things you wouldn't normally celebrate. Laundry day, bad hair days, and mean teachers, for example. It's one of our ways of making the whole world more enjoyable to us. And it can be very romantic. I'm posting some of our romantic recipes in the next post, so we can spread the love. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

I love celebrating Valentine's Day with Charles. It's never been his favorite holiday, but he goes all out with me, and we have a great time. I'm so lucky to be married to my best friend in the whole wide world. I love him so much!


Kelly said...

I love tulips too. Yay for valentines day!

Unknown said...

I love you too, Molly! You are such an amazing cook. I'm glad we celebrate every opportunity we get. I'm of the opinion that if you put off celebrating to do other important things then you'll never get to do the fun stuff.
You're so romantic. I had a wonderful Valentine's Week. with you.