Monday, February 23, 2009

Look what I can do

Yeah, I've been sooooo naughty, and Ive avoided cameras for the past five months. Since I started looking pregnant, anyway, which I swear was at least a few years ago.Anyway, here are some belly pictures for those who can stomach them. He, he. Stomach the belly pictures. I crack myself up. As you can see from these pictures. I realized that when I button all the buttons that can still reach on my black sweater, I resemble a penguin. 
I think that this probably bodes well for our daughter, since penguins are terribly devoted parents. Don't believe me? Ask Morgan Freeman.


SMT Family said...

You look fabulous! Love you and your pregnant belly.

Unknown said...

Oh Molly you look great! Cute belly! And I'm loving the penguin thing. Hope things are going well for you!

jax from the harmon squad said...

You look adorable! And Max was dubbed the pinguino soon after birth because his lips would make the shape a baby penguin would.

Kristie said...

o yay! i love the belly pictures. you are a very cute penguin. you crack me up!

Mollie said...

cute cute cute!

Cecily Jane said...

Did you know that I always think of you when I think of penguins? I mean, pen-gu-ins!

Anonymous said...

I miss you. We should hang out more.

The Hot Heifers said...

Is that all you can do? You haven't posted in forever I feel so disjointed from you guys!!!