Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Alright, alright.

So, Starla tagged me, and said that if I wish to remain friends with her, I would complete her tag.
Six random facts about me.
1. I love thunderstorms. Especially summer thunderstorms. Just wild about thunderstorms.
2. My favorite color this year is ballerina pink. Hasn't been pink since I was like, two. My favorite color changes about once a year.
3. I tend to obsess. My obsessions change about every three or four months. I won't tell you what my current obsession is, but my most recent one was buying a puppy.
4. I collect jokers from packs of playing cards. I have them from all over the world! I haven't found one here, yet, but I will. If you go on a trip, bring me a pack of cards! I'll pay you back.
5. I have recently rediscovered a love for strawberry yoghurt. Don't worry, mom. I only buy refridgerated brands that I recognize, like Yoplait and Activia.
6. I don't really like to eat meat in foreign countries. It's very scaredy-cat of me, and I'm sure the bugs I might get wouldn't be that bad, but I still can't really bring myself to do it.
7. I hate nickels and I don't like to use spoons unless I have to. Charles and I have this really old, banged up, and ugly nickel that we keep in a ring box, and we pass it back and forth in silly ways. Charles has custody of it currently, and there's no telling where it will end up. He found it in his pillow case the other night when he smacked his head down on it too fast. haha. It's called "the dirty nickel."
I hereby tag Alistor, Leam, Alicia, Candace, Gwen, and Rufus.


Starla said...

Yoghurt huh? haha That's how they spell it in Australia too. I never really ate the "yoghurt" there. Other people did, but I'm not even that big of a fan on American yogurt.

I think it must be mentioned that you don't like nickels or spoons.

Natalie said...

It has been cloudy here the past 2 days and I keep hoping for a good thunder storm, but so far it isn't coming. And we were all just debating over your current favorite color the other day. Thanks for setting us straight.

Cecily Jane said...

You guys so deserve a romantic comedy movie.