Sunday, January 31, 2010

meal time=play time

At least, that's what Olivia seems to think these days. And it's hard to argue with her once she starts giggling! Man, I love this kid.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

exciting new changes!

I bet at least two of my readers didn't believe me when I said I wasn't pregnant. Sorry, still not. I'll be sure to let ya know.
Our exciting news is that Anna and I have started our own crafting business online! It's called LiviesWhimsies, after our mascot, Olivia. Oh, livia. We've been busy creating tons of whimsical accessories. I've learned how to crochet, and we've taught ourselves how to make singed organza flowers. It's been really fun for me to feel like I'm actually doing something. I haven't been able to get excited about anything lately, but this is one thing that makes me giddy.

Anyway, we have a blog where we show our projects in progress, and we'll also be highlighting some of our favorite undiscovered shops from etsy once a week on Saturdays. Starting today! is the blog address if you want to check us out.
We have a fan group on facebook where we'll also make announcements about upcoming products and when we've updated the blog and shop. The name is Livieswhimsies, and everyone is welcome to join!
And last but not least, our shop is Feel free to stop by and see what we're offering! We'll be adding to it every few days, so there should be new stuff to see pretty often.
I'm so excited about this. It's been a real family effort over the past month or two. Charles and Cam are doing photography, Maggie's a model, my mom is our... ahem, main investor. Anna and I are full of ideas, and I can't wait to get them online for you!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

ok, ok, ok

I know it's been forever since I posted, and I'm getting an earful from my sister every few hours about how she needs to see her niece, so I'm going to post a few pictures of her while I work on my next post. We've got some exciting changes (no job, sorry) coming up that I want to share! (also not pregnant. I'll just tell you right now.)
Olivia's recent developments: crying for no reason. It's so weird. She's never been a fusser, but now she whines at the drop of a hat. It's not a very cute development. But she's got a tooth to show for it, and one about to burst through, so I guess it's understandable. Considering she uses her mouth for everything. Except eating, that is.
Another recent development is that she's figured out how to close her mouth, twist her head away, push things away from herself, and throw herself backwards to get away from something. All these things add up to one thing: Olivia eats hardly anything by mouth. BUT she seems to have outgrown her habit of violently vomiting everything we painstakingly put into her, meaning we have much more play time these days. Since instead of taking two and a half hours to feed her while we try to keep her very still, we can take a half hour and play with her the whole time now.
She's such a tiny little person. We've become good friends, even though we have quite an age difference. She's just very easy to love and get along with, and I couldn't ask for a more perfect addition to our family. I'm so grateful that we have her.